The Problem:

A common workflow in Airtable is the gathering of Surveys or Forms, and often we want to link multiple surveys or forms submitted by the same person back to a single Contact record for that person. However, exposing Linked Record fields to do this in the public form itself is undesirable because we don’t want form users to see all the names of existing contacts in our base, and it also precludes form users that don’t yet exist in our Contacts table.

This leaves us using manual processes to establish the link between a form submittal and a Contact, where the form user is just entering their name or email address.

My Solution:

I’ve written a script for the Scripting Block that aims to solve this problem and automatically establish links between submitted forms and existing contacts. In addition, this particular version also logs a survey/form submittal as an “Interaction” in the Interactions table.


Check out the full written and video tutorial, as well as a sample Airtable Universe base, on how the script works here.