Clean up your Tables Quick and Easy Creator: Victoria Plummer Instead of importing your data and having it look like this: Use this script to have it look like this: Source Code let settings = input.config({ title:'Table Optimizer', description: "Converts data that's stored over many fields, into data that's stored in one field with multiple parameters in a new table", items: [ input.config.table('sourceTable',{ label: 'Source Table', description: 'The originating table' }), input.config.text('fieldsConvert',{ label: 'Fields to Convert', description: "Type out the fields you'd like to convert separated by a comma. Example: Field 1,Field 2,Field 3. All convert fields must be of the same type." }), input.config.table('destinationTable',{ label: 'Destination Table', description: 'The desitination table' }), input.config.field('field1',{ label: 'Data Field', parentTable: 'destinationTable', description: 'Field where the table data will go. Must match field type of Conver Fields', }), input.config.field('field2',{ label: 'Field Name Field', parentTable: 'destinationTable', description: 'Field where the original field names will be transposed', }), input.config.field('field3',{ label: 'Linked Record Field', parentTable: 'destinationTable', description: 'Linked record which will link back to the desination table', }), ] }); let sourceTable = settings.sourceTable let fields = settings.fieldsConvert.split(',') let destinationTable = settings.destinationTable let fieldNameField = let dataField = let linkedField = let query = await sourceTable.selectRecordsAsync({fields: fields}) let records = query.records let arr = [] for (let field of fields){ if( sourceTable.getField(field).type != settings.field1.type){ output.markdown('## 🚫 Error: Please change your Data Field-Type to match your Convert Field Types') return } else{ arr.push( records.filter( record => record.getCellValue(field)).map(record => Array.isArray(record.getCellValue(field)) ? record.getCellValue(field).map( element => ({fields:{ [linkedField]: [record], [dataField]: [element], [fieldNameField]: field }})) : ({fields:{ [linkedField]: [record], [dataField]: record.getCellValue(field), [fieldNameField]: field }}) ) ) } } await batchAnd('Create',destinationTable,arr.flat()) /* Use this function to perform 'Update', 'Create', or 'Delete' async actions on batches of records that could potentially more than 50 records. ::PARAMETERS:: action = string; one of 3 values: - 'Update' to call table.updateRecordsAsync() - 'Create' to call table.createRecordsAsync() - 'Delete' to call table.deleteRecordsAsync() table = Table; the table the action will be performed in records = Array; the records to perform the action on - Ensure the record objects inside the array are formatted properly for the action you wish to perform ::RETURNS:: recordsActedOn = integer, array of recordId's, or null; - Update Success: integer; the number of records processed by the function - Delete Success: integer; the number of records processed by the function - Create Success: array; the id strings of records created by the function - Failure: null; */ async function batchAnd(action, table, records) { let recordsActedOn; switch (action) { case 'Update': recordsActedOn = records.length; while (records.length > 0) { await table.updateRecordsAsync(records.slice(0, 50)); records = records.slice(50); }; break; case 'Create': recordsActedOn = []; while (records.length > 0) { let recordIds = await table.createRecordsAsync(records.slice(0, 50)); recordsActedOn.push(...recordIds) records = records.slice(50); }; break; case 'Delete': recordsActedOn = records.length; while (records.length > 0) { await table.deleteRecordsAsync(records.slice(0, 50)); records = records.slice(50); } break; default: output.markdown(`**Please use either 'Update', 'Create', or 'Delete' as the "action" parameter for the "batchAnd()" function.**`); recordsActedOn = null; } return recordsActedOn; }